Maternity and Midwifery Festival 2019

On the 9th April, Dr Jess Heron, APP Director and Dr Sally Wilson, APP Training Coordinator, presented at the Midlands Maternity and Midwifery Festival at Leicester football club. They spoke to a packed conference hall of midwives, including student midwives about an evaluation of the 1-day workforce training that APP offer.

This series of conferences run across the UK and are a great platform for raising awareness of postpartum psychosis amongst midwives and other health professionals, which is one of APP's aims for 2019.

APP want to help health professionals to recognise early signs and symptoms, promote the importance of timely treatment, and talk about recovery and support needs for women and their families affected by postpartum psychosis. We are campaigning this year for compulsory training in perinatal mental health, including Postpartum Psychosis for midwives.

Training in Postpartum Psychosis: Evaluation & Lessons - Dr Jessica Heron and Dr Sally Wilson from Narrowcast Media Group on Vimeo.


Can you help us? Future Midwife standards consultation

The Nursing & Midwifery Council have recently announced a consultation on the 'Future Midwife: Standards of Proficiency for Midwives'. We are delighted that Postpartum Psychosis has been specifically included as a core learning topic for midwives. We would like to make sure it stays included as these standards are refined and consulted upon. If you have experienced PP and would like to make comments, or are a midwife and would like to state how important it is that Postpartum Psychosis is in core midwife standards.

Please respond to the consultation by the 9th May 2019 via here or, please get in touch with Sally if you would like to give any feedback for APP's response. If you have have comments, quotes and stories that you could share with us about your midwifery care, these are really useful in helping to campaign.

APP will be responding to make sure postpartum psychosis and training in PP for midwives remains a focus in these standards.