"Throughout our journey with PP, I had times where I went through every emotion possible - from being terrified, to feeling isolated, worried about the future and even feeling guilt-ridden for decisions I’d had to take."
On this page
We are here for you
During the initial crisis of PP, many partners describe feeling like their world has been turned upside down, with little or no control over the situation. They often talk of not knowing what was happening, feeling alone and scared; desperate to find information and to help their partner.
We know that partners contact us at many different stages throughout their journey – whether in the early days of the crisis, partway through the journey or years later.
We are here to support you along the journey, no matter when you feel you need it.
You might find it helpful to read our information about postpartum psychosis. We also have links to more detailed research studies.
APP has produced a postpartum psychosis Insider Guide for Partners with the help of dads who have been through postpartum psychosis. They told us about the information they needed for different stages of treatment and recovery.
One-to-one support
We also have a one-to-one email support service if you would like to talk privately to
another dad or co-parent whose partner has recovered from PP. Request peer support via this link. You can read more general information about our peer support here.
Our forum
APP runs an online forum for anyone affected by PP. Dads and co-parents who have been through PP can share their ideas, ask for help and offer their own experiences.
Our virtual cafe group
We run a regular virtual meet-up for dads and co-parents. It runs from 8-9 pm, on the third Wednesday of each month on Zoom. The joining link is http://bit.ly/PARTNERMEET.
'Dads' chat'

Watch the APP dads chat about postpartum psychosis and dads' mental health with:
- Simon O'Mara, APP Partner peer support coordinator
- Hugo White, APP Ambassador @hugowhitenoise
- Professor Ian Jones, a world-leading expert on postpartum psychosis
- Mark Williams, organiser of International Fathers Mental Health Day @fathers_mentalhealth
- Guest hosted by Kieran Anders from Dad Matters UK @dadmattersuk
If you would like further details for yourself or someone you feel would like to be part of this, please email Simon: simon@app-network.org.