Action on Postpartum Psychosis is a cause very close to my heart. I experienced an episode of PP after the birth of my daughter Ettie. I’ve seen first hand how the information, dedicated support and advocacy APP provides really can save and change lives.

We’ve come so far in the last decade but there is still a long way to go. I know APP will continue to make a difference and improve lives for those affected by PP but, as a little known mental health charity, those of us who benefit from its help need to do our bit to support it.


By leaving a gift in my Will, I am playing my part in ensuring APP can be there for women and families for as long as they are needed.

Clare, APP supporter, on why she has decided to leave a gift to APP in her Will.

Since Action on Postpartum Psychosis was founded in 2011, we have made it our mission to improve the lives of those affected by this severe postnatal mental illness:

  • We’ve helped develop vital research into the causes, diagnoses and treatment of postpartum psychosis (PP).
  • We’ve trained more than ten thousand healthcare professionals to ensure they recognise the symptoms of PP and know how to provide the most effective treatment.
  • We’ve supported thousands of individuals affected by postpartum psychosis - women, partners, grandparents, those bereaved by PP; and have set up dedicated support for specific groups and communities.
  • We've produced a range of highly regarded and easy to understand guides on many aspects of PP.
  • We’ve changed the way the media report on postpartum psychosis, increased understanding of it amongst the general public and worked hard to reduce the stigma that many face after having PP.

We are the only charity in the UK focused on PP, and we lead the world in drawing attention to this often overlooked illness.

Our dream is to ensure every family affected by postpartum psychosis is able to access the support they need, in an appropriate setting, with healthcare professionals who understand PP and the best ways to treat it, and to be supported by people with lived experience who understand what it’s like and can provide empathy and hope.

By choosing to leave a gift of any size in your Will to APP, you can help us be there for every family for as long as they need us.  Families like Halima’s:

‘APP made me feel safe, heard and valued, they gave me hope in such dark times when I felt suicidal and just couldn't cope.

They kept telling me things would get better and they really cared about me and my baby. They encouraged me to keep going and that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. They never made feel judged, they always showed me respect and heard my voice.

If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here today’.

After ensuring your loved ones are provided for, choosing to leaving a gift of any size to APP in your Will could make a lasting impact on the work APP does. You could help us be there for every family who needs us, for as long as they need us, and it’s probably easier than you think to make a difference.

Writing a Will doesn’t have to be scary, complicated or expensive.

If you're thinking about leaving a gift to APP in your Will, please do contact our fundraiser Fliss for more information or to request a free APP legacy information guide.

Thank you for helping us be there for all the families that need us, now and in the future.