After providing for your friends and family, leaving a legacy to APP is a wonderful way to contribute to our work.
A legacy can be any size – whatever amount you decide to leave as a gift to APP will be put to good use ensuring specialist help and support is available women and families affected by postpartum psychosis (PP) now and in the future.
If you would like to include APP in your will we advise you to discuss this with a solicitor. You should not try to write your own Will or use someone who is not properly qualified. If you do not have one already, The Law Society can help you find a solicitor in your area.
If you have already made a will and would like to add to it or amend it to include a legacy, this can be done easily through a ‘codicil’ which your solicitor will help you write.
Leaving a legacy to APP in your will is straightforward, and is exempt from inheritance tax.