APP & Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week

Keep up to date with our plans for Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week!

Join us each day between Monday 4 May - Sunday 10 May. Here's what we have planned:

Catch up on Monday's topic - "What is Postpartum Psychosis?" here, where you can watch Sally and her husband Jamie discuss their experience of the early signs and symptoms of postpartum psychosis with Ian Jones, Professor of Psychiatry and Trustee of Action on Postpartum Psychosis.

From World Mental Health Day, you can also watch APP in conversation with Catherine Cho, author of 'Inferno: A Memoir' here. Hear Catherine discuss her PP experience with Jessie from Action on Postpartum Psychosis.

Thursday's topic - "What support is there for partners, families & friends of women affected by PP?" is available here, where Kat and her husband Tom discuss their experience of postpartum psychosis with Giles Berrisford, Perinatal Psychiatrist and Chair of APP and with Ellie, Peer Support Coordinator for APP.

You can also watch Saturday's Facebook Live "#Honest Conversations" with Laura Dockrill, Dr Jo Black and Jessie here.

If you have been affected by anything in these films, need any support, or want to meet others, visit: or contact us on for more information.
