APP works closely with the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH), Cardiff.
We are passionate about the need to encourage more research into postpartum psychosis (PP). The many unknowns surrounding the illness are distressing for women, families and their health professionals.
Watch our research seminar, in collaboration with NCMH, to hear why supporting research is so important, and for updates on studies we are supporting.
Studies currently recruiting
The causes and triggers of postpartum psychosis
Looking for women with lived experience of PP and severe mental illness following childbirth.
The National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) and Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP) are working together to understand more about the genetic factors, and other causes and triggers of severe mental illness during pregnancy and following childbirth.
You are invited to take part in this research if you have experienced postpartum psychosis or other severe mental illness around childbirth. For more information and to sign up to participate, please click here.
Enhancing psychological recovery following postpartum psychosis
Looking for women with lived experience of PP and family members of someone who has lived experience of PP.
APP is working with researchers at the University of East Anglia, led by Dr Jo Hodgekins, on a programme of research which will result in a recovery toolkit. The research team is interested in learning more about what ‘recovery’ means to people with lived experience of postpartum psychosis and their families, and the kinds of issues people would like support with. If you have experienced PP, or are a partner or family member of someone who has experienced PP, and want to support this work, email
The role of sleep in the development of postpartum psychosis
APP is working with researchers at the Institute of Mental Health, Birmingham University, led by Dr Isabel Morales-Munoz, to investigate the role of sleep in postpartum psychosis (PP). If you have experienced PP, you can help by completing questionnaires about sleep patterns. To take part, register with APP’s Lived Experience network, and email:
Black mothers' experiences of postpartum psychosis
Looking for Black mothers who have experienced PP.
APP is supporting Emily Monger, a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Essex, who is exploring the experiences of postpartum psychosis for Black mothers, and how the role of racism and/or discrimination may have impacted recovery. She is looking for women in the UK, aged 18+ who identify as being from a Black background and who have experience of PP to take part in her study. To find out more email
Stay up to date with the latest research
Make sure you have joined our lived experience network to stay up to date with the latest research findings and opportunities to take part in research.