A visit to Buckingham Palace on World Mental Health Day!
Congratulations to Emily Slater, Director of the Everyone's Business Campaign, who received a very special invitation to attend Buckingham Palace on Tuesday 10th October, World Mental Health Day.
The Reception, with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry, was 'to acknowledge the contribution of those working in the mental health sector in the UK.' APP are proud to host the 'Everyone’s Business' campaign (funded by Comic Relief) on behalf of the Maternal Mental Health Alliance. The Campaign calls for all women throughout the UK who experience perinatal mental health problems to receive the care they and their families need, wherever and whenever they need it.
Emily said:
"It was a huge honour to represent the MMHA; the personal journey from the terrifying experience of severe postnatal illness (8 years ago) to standing amongst the royals and celebs and amazing activists I met felt hugely poignant and emotive.
Following a speech from William, Stephen Fry spoke and summed up – for me – the atmosphere and significance of the event (to paraphrase): 'Whatever your politics, having a mental health event being held in this building [Buckingham Palace] is huge cause for celebration – for mental health to be being discussed and championed by the Royal Highnesses helps to bring mental health into the light.'
[You can watch a recording of Stephen Fry's speech here via Heads Together]
The evening was like none other I have attended before in that every single person I met had had a lived experience of a mental health condition and had gone on to turn this experience into a spring board for positive change. Meeting person after person with inspiring stories, with the backdrop of the palace, and the wonderful example being set by the Heads Together campaign was something I will savour just as much as the opportunity to meet the Royal hosts."
The Maternal Mental Health Alliance (MMHA) is a coalition of over 80 UK organisations committed to improving the mental health and well-being of women and their children in pregnancy and the first postnatal year.