Bipolar UK’s Women, Pregnancy & Childbirth Workshop
Are you a woman with bipolar, or concerned about the potential of bipolar, who would like more information about pregnancy and childbirth?
Bipolar UK Chair of Trustees Clare Dolman (who has bipolar and is a mother of two) and perinatal psychiatrist Professor Ian Jones invite you to join them at Bipolar UK’s Women, Pregnancy and Childbirth Workshop to discuss the choices facing women with bipolar who are thinking about pregnancy.
Date: Friday 20 September 2013
Time: 10.30am - 1.00pm
Venue: Victoria Charity Centre, 11 Belgrave Road, London, SW1V 1RB
Attendance is free as the workshop is being supported by Bipolar UK and Cardiff University. Our experience is that these workshops are very popular. If after confirming your place you are unable to attend please let us know and we will be able to offer the availability to another. We will be seeking a late cancellation charge of £20 for anyone not attending on the day and not informing us by Sunday 15 September.
Places are limited, so please confirm your attendance with Sally Roberts on or 020 7931 6480.