Postpartum Psychosis Stories Nominated for Mind Media Awards
The shortlist for this year's Mind Media Awards features four powerfully told stories of postpartum psychosis. They are:
- BBC One documentary, My Baby, Psychosis and Me, which aired in February this year.
- BBC Radio 4's The Listening Project on Postpartum Psychosis.
- BBC One Eastenders, Stacey Branning postpartum psychosis storyline that APP collaborated on with Mind and Bipolar UK.
- The Sun Fabulous Magazine article, "Having a baby made me psychotic" featuring APP media volunteer, Kathryn.
Mind's CEO, Paul Farmer said, "The media we consume, whether through TV documentaries, print news, digital blogs, radio or film, has a huge impact on people’s attitudes towards mental health problems."
We believe that all four of these sensitively told PP stories go some way to raise awareness of the symptoms, help reduce the stigma surrounding this mental illness and help those who develop Postpartum Psychosis get diagnosed and treated more quickly.
The winners will be announced on 14th November.