We know times are tough for many at the moment with bills going up and the cost of living increasing. We are very grateful to all our supporters for continuing to think of APP and donating to support mums and families affected by postpartum psychosis.

We understand that not everyone may be in a position to donate right now, so we've come up with a list of ways to support APP that won't cost you a single penny. Please get involved if you can.

  • Are you a member of any clubs, societies or groups? Maybe a WI, Freemasons, Rotary Club, Inner Wheel, U3A or any other group or club (even a Zumba class, triathlon team or an art group)? Or perhaps you or someone you know is part of a University society – medicine, midwifery, psychology, fundraising/RAG, running, baking…  Let us know! We’d love to make links with groups to help raise awareness and funds – drop us an email: fundraising and we'll send you or them a free pack of info.
  • Sign up with EasyFundraising and/or Give as you Live to do any online shopping - with both options we get a small percentage of every sale – and it doesn’t cost you a penny. It's simple to use, takes around a minute to sign up and there are thousands of retailers signed up, including shops you probably use all the time – including Boots, M&S, John Lewis, Wilkos, Sainsburys and thousands more. EasyFundraising also includes Amazon. If you’re making a big purchase like booking a holiday, renewing house insurance or buying a new fridge, the donations can be quite significant. Both sites offer an app and donation reminders on your regular browser if you want them.
  • Got a birthday or anniversary coming up? Could you consider setting up a Facebook Birthday Fundraiser (https://bit.ly/fbbdayapp)?  It only takes a few minutes and it’s a lovely way to connect and mark the occasion with your friends near and far. Our wonderful supporters and their friends have raised more than £4,000 so far this year via Facebook fundraisers.
  • You could also set up a fundraiser on Instagram - super easy and free to do, just follow these steps:
    • On your profile or feed, tap '(+)' in the top right of your screen.
    • Select 'Post', choose an image and tap 'Next'.
    • Under your image, tap 'Add fundraiser'.
    • Choose ActiononPP from the menu.
    • Add details in the Fundraiser details Page, tap 'Add', then tap 'Share'.
    • The fundraiser will be visible in the post and you can find a link to the fundraiser in your profile bio.
  • Nominate us for a Movement for Good Award - it takes less than 1 minute and we might win £1,000 – simply visit www.bit.ly/NominateAPP and complete the form – no obligation to sign up to any mailing lists or anything either.
  • Do you or anyone you know work for a company that has charity of the year awards/match funds donations/can nominate charities for funds? We have been successfully nominated by a few employees which has resulted in some significant donations. Get in touch if you need any more information about us for your employer.
  • Do you own or work in a shop or business that could host one of our loose change collectors? Pop it on the counter and help raise awareness as well as funds. Contact fundraising@app-network.org for more info.
  • Sell any unwanted goods on eBay – check out https://bit.ly/APPebay - you can choose to donate all or part of the proceeds to APP and there are benefits for you too - donate 10% or more and your item will feature an attention-grabbing charity ribbon—it may even be listed in the Charity Shop. Plus, you reduce your seller fees and enjoy tax savings.  Prefer to sell on Vinted? One of our volunteers sold lots of things on there, then donated what she made directly to us during one of our 'Big Give' weeks - meaning we received twice as much!
  • Donate old broken or unwanted jewellery and old banknotes for recycling - Working with Recycling for Good Causes, we can recycle any jewellery – gold, silver, costume jewellery, watches, broken and damaged items (like odd earrings, snapped chains or items with missing stones); any unwanted banknotes from ANY country of any age... Simply fill an A5 sized envelope, print off this freepost address, send it off and APP will receive a donation.
  • Or if you have old gaming consoles and accessories, cameras, sat navs, mobile phones - in any state, broken or not, you can order a FREE recycling sack online, fill it up (get friends and neighbours to do a clear out too!) - Recycling for Good Causes will collect it for free and send us a donation in return.
  • Recycle your inkjet printer cartridges and raise money for APP - it's really simple to do and we could receive up to £2 per eligible cartridge (plus less waste to landfill). If you work somewhere you get through a lot of ink, you can get a free collection box. Find out more and get your freepost label here: recycle4charity.co.uk
  • Share our posts on social media – simply retweet, repost, comment, like…. Every little helps us to reach more people, raise awareness of PP and can help generate funds. We're on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and YouTube.
  • Donating shares - If you have any number of shares that would cost more to sell than they are worth, you can support us by donating them to ShareGift and mentioning Action on Postpartum Psychosis when you make your gift.  ShareGift is a registered charity that collects together small lots of shares until there are enough to sell and then donating the resulting proceeds to charities.
    Even one single share donated via ShareGift would mean APP can be nominated to receive a grant. To date, they have donated over £50million to good causes. It’s very straightforward and free to do. Find out more here or email Fliss for more info.
  • Got any other ideas of ways you can help raise funds without spending a penny? We’d love to hear from you! Email us fundraising@app-network.org

Thank you for all your support for APP – we couldn’t do the work we do with mums and families without you.