Darkness Into Light, the album raising funds for APP
"I wrote this album to try and help me to recover from severe post-natal depression and post-natal psychosis. It helped, along with medication, rest and loving support. This album documents my journey from mental illness to mental health, from deep sadness to overwhelming joy and gratitude, from intense darkness to light. For those suffering out there, I want you to know that you will get better, your child loves you, nothing is irredeemable, and what lies for you at the end of this tunnel (which you don’t ever believe will end) is more beautiful than you can ever imagine in your wildest dreams. Don’t give up. You and your child are connected by a love greater than you know and one day you will feel it in every part of your being." Eleanor Dattani
If you would like to purchase or donate, visit:
iTunes (click here)
Bandcamp (click here)
Amazon (click here)
40% off all proceeds are being donated to the charity Acacia (Pre and postnatal depression support services) and Action for Postpartum Psychosis.
You can also listen to the full album on Spotify (click here) and Bandcamp (click here).
Click here to watch the music video for 'I've Learnt This Lesson Before', a song from the album.