Go #TeamAPP! Introducing our 2024 TCS London Marathon runners
We're so excited to have four fabulous runners taking part in the world famous TCS London Marathon this year.
On Sunday 21st April, APP supporters Lauren-Nicole, Rebecca, Luke and Lee will be lining up alongside 40,000 runners as part of this epic event.
Lauren-Nicole is an award winning writer and actress who is passionate about raising awareness of PP. Her play BABYNUN XO follows the stories of five sisters as one explores the impact of PP which unites and fractures them further. You can read more about Lauren-Nicole here.
Lauren-Nicole is a first time marathon runner. She says: 'I know if I think about the reason I am running and the charity I am raising money for it will absolutely keep me strong and get me through the tough times.”
Add your support for Lauren-Nicole here
Rebecca is a real inspiration, having gone from being a total beginner runner to her first marathon! She started last summer with a 'Couch to 5km' and this weekend she'll be lining up for the most famous marathon in the world. She says:
'When I got a ballot place in the marathon, I knew which cause I wanted to support. 12 years ago, I hadn’t heard of postpartum psychosis. Following the birth of my first daughter and ‘out of the blue,’ I experienced an episode of postpartum psychosis. After the birth of my second daughter in 2014 I stayed well and had no recurrence of PP. Raising awareness about this illness is crucial to ensure timely intervention and support for the mums and families affected. With your help we can support even more women and families affected by PP, break down stigma and raise awareness.'
Add your support for Rebecca here
Luke is taking on the London Marathon as his way of giving something back. He says:
'Running the London Marathon to support my sister-in-law and raise funds / awareness for Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP), the charity for mums and families affected by postpartum psychosis. Every step counts in our journey to raise awareness and support those affected. This charity has, and currently is, supporting my family, so I want use this opportunity to give something back.
Please give what you can afford. They are a relatively small UK based charity, so every penny truly counts.'
Add your support for Luke here
Lee is a familiar face to APP supporters, having already taken on more than a dozen challenges to raise funds and awareness over the last 18 months. The London Marathon is a bucket list dream for him and the icing on the cake for us!
You can read more about all of Lee's amazing fundraising adventures, and add your support for his final event, here
Training for a marathon is a huge commitment in both time and effort, and we want to say a massive thank you to all our runners - we're in awe of what they have achieved. We hope they all have a brilliant day and wear their medals with pride at the finish line!
If you happen to be in London this Sunday, do look out for #TeamAPP and give them all a huge cheer as they run past!
As APP has been unable to obtain any charity places in the London Marathon for a few years, all our runners this year secured their own places through the general public ballot or via other routes. We're so grateful to all of them for choosing to support us in this way.
We would love to have APP runners in the 2025 London Marathon - the public ballot opens on Saturday 20th April - so if you're feeling inspired, why not try your luck and see if you can score a place then run for us - you can submit an entry request here.