Rachel runs every day for APP
To get January 2023 off to a flying start, Rachel Evans, one of APP's fantastic team of peer supporters, has taken on the challenge of running every day this month as part of a Miles for Mums and Babies Challenge.
She's aiming to cover 90 miles in total - a number that's important to her as it's 45 miles each way from her home to Winchester Mother and Baby Unit (MBU). This time six years ago, Rachel was admitted to Winchester MBU with PP when her baby was less than a week old.
A 90 mile round trip is a long way but many women have to travel even further in order to be treated at an MBU where they can be with their baby. Rachel says 'Today I had a good running cry to myself thinking that 45 miles is nothing compared to the distance some women have to travel to get the chance of being treated and supported in a safe place with their baby. In a place that’s right for them - a Mother and Baby Unit.'
Rachel is fitting in her runs around work and children and knows it won't be easy but is inviting anyone local to join her on her routes if they want to.
She's already smashed her fundraising target and is still out running every day, whatever the weather. We're all really proud of you Rachel!
Read more about Rachel's story and add your support for her January Miles for Mums and Babies Challenge here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/Rachel-Evans4545
If you fancy taking on your own Miles for Mums and Babies Challenge, find out more here, or contact fundraising@app-network.org