Section of Women's Mental Health, KCL, Support APP
Three cheers for Jill Domoney, one of APP's two runners in the Royal Parks Foundation Half Marathon.
The race takes in the capital's world-famous landmarks on closed roads, and four of London's eight Royal Parks - Hyde Park, The Green Park, St James's Park and Kensington Gardens. As it takes place on 8th October the runners should enjoy glorious shades of autumn through the beautifully kept parks.
Jill may be the one in training but wonderfully, the whole Section of Women's Mental Health at Kings College London are getting behind her. Expect a cake sale, rattling of collection boxes and general drumming up of support for Jill's athletic effort.
Make a donation to Jill's fundraising page here.
We are very grateful to Jill and her colleagues for recognising the value of APP's essential work with mums and families affected by Postpartum Psychosis and all their efforts to fundraise for us.