Team APP & friends' group skydive!
On Sunday 16th September, members of APP's Board and staff, together with some friends, will be taking part in a skydive to raise much needed funds for APP!
So far, confirmed for the skydive are: Dr Giles Berrisford, Chair of Trustees; Dr Jess Heron, APP Director; Hannah Bissett, Peer Support & Regional Reps Co-ordinator; Tanya Knight, Mental Health Nurse, Birmingham & Solihull Mental Health Foundation Trust; Anna Sebine, Quality Improvement Lead - Perinatal Mental Health, Maternity Clinical Network, (Yorkshire & Humber); Sally Hogg, Strategic Lead, Mums & Babies in Mind (MABIM)
They've joined together to raise money across their individual JustGiving pages for APP - you can visit their team fundraising page here - Please donate what you can to help them smash their goal!
Dr Jess Heron says: "You might have seen Adele speaking out this week in support of her friend Laura who has written a moving and articulate blog about the illness. It is a frightening and devastating illness that affects new mums, often out of the blue, in the days following childbirth. It is as common as Downs Syndrome and is a leading cause of maternal death. These deaths are preventable - PP is eminently treatable - with the right information and support, women recover and have happy family lives. With young children myself who mean everything to me, I have to admit to having a few second thoughts about doing this (!) but I want to join our dedicated APP staff, trustees and volunteers taking on this challenge. So, please donate and help me make a difference."
If you'd like to Jump for APP in our Big Skydive Challenge for 2018 please get in touch for all the information, or read about it here - Thank you!