Team APP skydive smash their fundraising target (twice!)


A huge round of applause for Team APP who all bravely jumped out of a plane on Sunday 16 September, and raised much needed funds in aid of APP!

A very big THANK YOU to Giles, Jess, Hannah, Tanya, Sally and Anna, who took on APP's Big Skydive Challenge so brilliantly and for all their amazing fundraising -  they completely smashed their fundraising target (twice!) to raise nearly £6,500 - wow! An amazing achievement, congratulations. APP thanks all of the brave team and also everyone who so generously sponsored them as well.

You can still donate to Team APP via the JustGiving page(s) here.

Dr Jess Heron, APP Director, said: "We made it. I’m alive, all limbs in tact! Thank you so much to all who sponsored us. Thrilled and amazed with the total. Thank you also to my fellow jumpers (I'm thinking something more sedate next time... sponsored tea-drinkathon, adult colouring...)"

_JessAPPgroup2Jess parachuting down and coming safely into land!

2018_APPSkydiveJess5Dr Giles Berrisford 'ready to jump'!

Image from iOS (19)

Hannah Bissett, APP Peer Support Co-ordinator, said: "Thanks for all your likes, sponsorship & support /  interest / gobsmacked-reactions after my skydive for APP - we did it!!  It's really scary, but absolutely amazingly awesome. Everyone should do it... and raise money for APP of course...I've been blown away by the team total reaching almost £6,500. And all going towards info, peer support and ensuring that no mum or family goes through the terrifying illness that is postpartum psychosis alone."


2018_APPSkydiveHannah17Hannah Bissett having an 'absolutely amazingly awesome' experience!

Tanya's skydive...


...and a happy welcoming landing!


Image-from-iOS-(13)-aDr Giles Berrisford & Dr Jess Heron

Image from iOS (22)Team APP!

Thank you again to everyone who took part and jumped for APP. Your support will help us to continue developing our information and operating our peer support services. We really couldn't do this without you! Thank You all!

If you're interested in doing a skydive in aid of APP you can find out all about it here.