Trichana runs for APP
Trichana Rai from Colchester has chosen to take on a mammoth challenge for APP - aiming to run 300km in six months.
Trichana had postpartum psychosis after the birth of her son in 2014. Like many affected, before being diagnosed herself, she had never heard of PP. She was hospitalised in an MBU for one and half months.
"I was so poorly. I couldn't take care of my son and myself. I was very weak mentally and physically. I used to be tearful without any reason, I couldn't sleep and my appetite had gone down gradually. I even thought sometimes there is no reason to live."
Trichana is now fully recovered.
She says "Those moments were very difficult and challenging for me and my family, but I have learned and experienced there is always bright light after a thunderstorm."
She is running to help other mums affected by PP. Thank you so much Trichana.
If you'd like to follow Trichana's journey, or offer your support, she regularly updates her justgiving page here: