Willis Associates Support APP at Christmas & New Year
What a heartening start to 2014 for the fundraising team of APP!
Between Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve the company Willis Group nominates 3 charities who each share the donations from associates who are in the office over that period. They operate a "dress down" policy on each of those days and associates donate each day they come in to work.
What a brilliant way of giving associates a voice and in the process : giving support to charities like ours who are doing such hard work on behalf of women and families affected by Postpartum Psychosis.
Warm thanks are due to all at Willis Associates for their very generous cheque and especially to their colleague who nominated APP - as being eminently worthy of their company's support.
Willis Group Holdings plc is a leading global risk adviser, insurance and reinsurance broker. With roots dating to 1828, Willis operates today on every continent with more than 17,000 employees in over 400 offices. Willis in the UK offer insurance solutions to UK businesses of all shapes and sizes and has branches located throughout the UK. It is the Suffolk branch in Friars St, Ipswich, to whom we are greatly indebted for giving us at APP an early boost in 2014.
Thank you all.