WITCHES, a new documentary by Elizabeth Sankey exploring perinatal mental illness

WITCHES, a powerful new documentary film by Elizabeth Sankey, examines the relationship between cinematic portrayals of witches and how we view women, motherhood, and mental health. It shows historical footage across film, television, and culture alongside personal stories.

We’re delighted that members of our community  were interviewed for the project and have their postpartum psychosis stories featured in the film, including APP trustee Catherine Cho and Dr Krystal Wilkinson. Documentary contributors also include Sophia Di Martino, David Emson, Dr. Trudi Seneviratne, Professor Marion Gibson and Shema Tariq.

Catherine Cho says: “I was asked to participate in the film as an interviewee, and I remember being struck by Elizabeth’s passion and dedication to bringing this project to life. Watching the film, I was struck by the parallels in history. Some of the most moving elements in the documentary are listening to the historical testimony of women who were found to be guilty of being a ‘witch’ or a vessel to the devil and realising that their experiences are what we would now know to be mental illness.

“The documentary weaves together Elizabeth’s perspective, her journey from being sectioned to trying to make sense of her experience, her love of cinema, and the stories of others with shared experiences of postpartum mental illness.

“There is a moment towards the end of the documentary where Elizabeth walks hand in hand with her son, and it brought me to tears, that in walking through darkness, through horrors, through a haunted place, we can emerge.

“It is not only a beautiful film, it is an important one, a shared testimony.”

Screenings take place over the next few months in London and Manchester. For further details and updates, check your local cinema listings.


Tuesday 15 October 2024 20:30 BFI Southbank

Thursday 17 October 2024 18:00 Prince Charles Cinema

Sunday 20 October 2024 20:45 BFI Southbank

Book tickets here: https://whatson.bfi.org.uk/lff/Online/default.asp?BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::permalink=witches-lff24&BOparam::WScontent::loadArticle::context_id= 


Friday 1 November 18:00 at Home Manchester

This includes a Q&A with writer-director Elizabeth Sankey, chaired by David Cox, Channel Editor at Film4 and co-curator of FilmFear.

Book tickets here: 


💜 A note on the film content for our lived experience community:
Some of our team and volunteers have viewed the film and shared that certain scenes may be challenging or upsetting, depending on where you are in your postpartum psychosis journey. Please take care and decide whether it's the right time for you to watch.

If you'd like to find out more about the themes before watching WITCHES, please get in touch with us:

📧 Email: app@app-network.org