New evaluation of APP’s peer support within Mother and Baby Units (MBUs)

A new study, led by the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) at The London School of Economics, is getting underway to evaluate APP’s peer support projects embedded within Mother and Baby Units (MBUs).

The Realist evaluation of Action on Postpartum Psychosis’ MBU peer suppORT (RAPPORT for short) will assess APP-provided peer support at three Mother and Baby Units in England. Researchers will carry out in-depth conversations with mothers who have accessed support, APP-employed peer supporters and managers, and NHS staff to understand how the charity’s model impacts women's lives and what factors influence its success.

APP provides Peer Support within Mother and Baby Units in Lancashire, Birmingham and Manchester. Peer support provided in other Mother and Baby Units varies across the country. This research, funded by the Three NIHR (National Institute for Health and Care Research) Schools Mental Health Programme, aims to understand what works best for different women experiencing severe postnatal illness and their families. It aims to identify the resources needed for effective implementation and assess value for money.

The research will be conducted at MBUs in Lancashire, Birmingham and Manchester. The study team will be looking at the benefits of peer support to women and families as they are cared for on the units, as they recover and come to terms with the illness in the months and years following discharge from hospital, as well as the impact on the NHS staff team of working with the charity and their lived experience staff.

Dr Jess Heron, APP Chief Executive, said:

We’re delighted to be part of this important study which will help advance understanding of effective peer support in MBUs for those with severe postnatal illness

The research findings will be shared with stakeholders working to deliver high-quality peer support in maternal mental health settings, to help inform future service development and policy decisions.

You can read more about the work of the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre here.