APP is a member of the National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) - an alliance of organisations and individuals who care about suicide prevention, take action to reduce suicide and support those affected.
The NSPA’s vision is that fewer lives are lost to suicide and that anyone affected by suicide receives the best possible support.
You can read more about the NSPA here.
APP contributes to preventing suicide by raising awareness of postpartum psychosis (PP) amongst the general public; raising awareness amongst health professionals and antenatal educators; and campaigning for better services, focusing especially on access to Mother and Baby Units.
We also support families where a mother has died due to PP. This support is individual to each family and includes information about PP, peer support and signposting to services. We’re currently developing bereavement peer support, training our first peer support volunteer to help us set up a support and signposting service. We are looking for additional training in bereavement support for the APP staff team, who are involved in an increased number of contacts from bereaved families.
Read more about this work and our membership of the NSPA here.