"I was understandably anxious at times, but, after being referred to Professor Ian Jones by my GP I saw a psychiatrist locally at eight months pregnant.  Finally we were able to plan for that early postnatal period."

The Cardiff University Psychiatry Service (CUPS) offers a second opinion psychiatry service or consultation to patients, with the aim of assisting and advising clinicians and their patients in diagnosis and management.

The service covers a limited range of conditions, including advice around menopause and pregnancy for women who have experienced postpartum psychosis, and is delivered by the university's clinical academic team.

Second opinion psychiatry service Ian Jones

Please note that the service can only accept referrals from mental health teams involved in the ongoing care of the person being referred (or GP where the individual is not under the care of a mental health team). It is not possible to accept self-referrals.

If you would like a second opinion from the CUPS, then you will need to discuss this with your clinical team. Referrals should request a second opinion on a specific clinical question (for example, pre-conception decision making and pregnancy planning, management of bipolar disorder around menopause).

The referral should make clear that the referrer understands that the service offers a second opinion and cannot take up the care of the patient.

For current service information, and details of where to address referrals, please visit the CUPS website.