Sarah takes to the skies for APP!
This August, Sarah Horton will be skydiving from 10,000ft over the coast of Cornwall to raise funds and awareness.
Sarah has bravely chosen to take on this challenge after her partner Charity became ill with postpartum psychosis (PP) after the birth of their triplets three years ago. You can read more about their story here.
Charity explains: 'Sarah decided to fundraise predominantly because PP is a relatively unknown illness (we had no knowledge of it) and something that hit us out of the blue and affected us personally and we now feel, after therapy, we have come out the other side.
It was quite comforting when I was in the psychiatric unit to be given APP leaflets explaining what I had and that there was an existing charity made up of people who knew exactly how we felt. Sarah said she wants to 'give back' - without the existence of APP giving support, researching and all of those people in the NHS who came to our aid and helped our recovery our story could've been so different.
When people ask me what I want for my birthday I always say, I don't want anything, just please donate to APP because that means more to me than any gift (and I mean that in the most non-cringey way!).
It is so important that research continues, this awful illness is so soul destroying and confusing to suffer, it leaves you feeling robbed of what is supposed to be a magical life event so it's vitally important to find out the real reason it happens so that people can move forward and be happy.
The more we shout about it, the more people will recognise the signs in the loved ones - awareness is key. I said to Sarah the other day, I'd love to do a run or something to raise money but the reality is I'm unfit and don't have the time with 3 toddlers to train and that's where Sarah said she'd skydive for me!'
Thank you so much to both of you for sharing your story, and good luck to Sarah for your skydive, we can't wait to hear all about it!