Steve runs the Yorkshire Marathon for APP
Steve Bushell ran the Yorkshire Marathon on Sunday 17th October 2021 to raise awareness and money to support APP’s work. Steve is the husband of Jo Bushell, who has also held several fundraisers for APP.
Steve said: “Shortly after the birth of our first child, my wife suffered an episode of postpartum psychosis (PP).
It hit us a few days into parenthood, following a week of zero sleep. The most terrifying thing that night when we called an ambulance was the realisation that in addition to me and our family not understanding what was happening, neither did any of the medical staff or paramedics on call that Sunday.
Jo was transferred to a Mother and Baby Unit the following day and received great care as part of her recovery.
APP provides support for women and families who have experienced PP and strives to raise awareness of the illness. They also create networks to connect those with lived experience and campaign for better services.”
Steve’s fundraiser has raised more than £1,720. We would like to say a huge thank you to Steve for supporting APP and to all who have donated including Steve's employer M&G Prudential who have match funded £300.
You can still visit and donate to his fundraising page here.
If you have been inspired by Steve, we would love to support any fundraising ideas you have. Get in touch here.