The Alex Baish Memorial Lecture 2023: a free webinar for GPs, midwives, antenatal educators and frontline health professionals.

On Wednesday 18th October, we hosted a free training webinar in collaboration with the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH)General Practitioners Championing Perinatal Care (GPCPC), and the International Journal of Birth and Parent Education (IJBPE).

Suicide is the leading cause of maternal death in the UK and rates are increasing nationally. In this webinar, we highlighted the early symptoms of postpartum psychosis (PP) and the actions that should be taken to support and protect those who develop the condition. The webinar covered the basic information all expectant families should know about PP and the information and support needs of those at higher risk. The webinar included a Q&A session with clinical, academic and lived experience speakers.

The recording of this webinar can be viewed below.

Agenda and speakers

  • Welcome and introductions
    Dr Jess Heron, CEO, Action on Postpartum Psychosis
  • Aims of the webinar
    Rich Baish, lived experience volunteer, APP
  • Lived experience of postpartum psychosis
    Laura Dockrill, author and APP ambassador
  • What can we learn from the confidential enquiries into maternal deaths?
    Dr Roch Cantwell, Professional Advisor, Perinatal Mental Health, Scottish Government
  • What we need to know about postpartum psychosis
    Dr Sally Wilson, National Training Coordinator, APP
  • Postpartum psychosis: Who is at high risk?
    Prof Ian Jones, Director, NCMH, Cardiff University
  • Psychosis, suicide and the role of your GP
    Dr Judy Shakespeare, Deputy Chair, GPCPC
  • Perinatal mental health services and summary of key points
    Dr Giles Berrisford, NHS England
  • Q and A session with the panel

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Share your thoughts on the webinar on social media using the hashtag #PreventingMaternalSuicide and tagging @ActionOnPP on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

Webinar recording

This webinar is aimed at GPs, antenatal educators, midwives, health visitors and frontline professionals working with families in the perinatal period. The webinar is supported by fundraising in memory of Alex Baish and includes discussions on suicide. We know this can be a difficult and emotive topic for many people, so please take care watching.

Resources (coming soon)

APP has designed some resources to support the content covered in this webinar on Essential knowledge for preventing maternal suicide. Further information on these resources will be available soon. Please check back here soon for an update.

Contact us and feedback

For more information about this webinar, please e-mail us at

Please click here to tell us what you thought and help us to improve future webinars by completing an evaluation form about the event.

Book here for the APP Webinar 2024. For more information on APP's Training click here.

This free webinar was supported by fundraising in memory of Alex Baish.

We are so grateful to Richard Baish for being part of this event. If you would like to hear more about his journey, please visit his JustGiving page.

If you found the webinar useful and would like to make a donation to support APP's work, it would be very much appreciated. You can donate online here and whatever you give will make a real difference.