"Very strong presentation, very strong woman to share the story so well and professionally."

Expert by experience laura dockrillWe have a number of people available to give expert by experience training to health professionals at conferences and events. They are all women or partners/family members who have themselves experienced and recovered from postpartum psychosis (PP).

They can:

  • share their personal experiences of PP,
  • give talks and training to your health professionals, describing their symptoms, experience of treatment and recovery, what worked well for them and what did not, the impact on their relationship with their baby, family and friends,
  • share the experience gained from supporting others.

Many of our experts have the breadth of knowledge that comes from supporting other women and families with the condition (online, via email and in-person) and engaging with the health professionals in their area.

Experts are robustly supported by APP. They have access to APP’s academic and clinical experts with international reputation, ensuring that they are well-informed and have up-to-date knowledge. They are supported by robust safeguarding protocols and quality assurance measures within the organisation.


  • NHS and 3rd sector organisations : £195 + travel expenses for expert.
  • Commercial organisations: £295 + travel expenses for expert.

Venue and other facilities to be provided by booking organisation.

These fees cover APP costs to run the lived experience talks and training programme, train and support our volunteers to give talks; and help us to keep our peer support network operating.

APP are dedicated to raising awareness and improving education related to PP. If you cannot afford the fees or do not have a training budget, please do still get in touch: training@app-network.org.


To book an APP expert by experience for your event, please contact us at training@app-network.org to discuss requirements and availability.