Our workforce training in postpartum psychosis is a training package for all health professionals working in the perinatal period.
APP hosted 1-day online training (Best practice care in postpartum psychosis)
Individuals can book a place for the online APP hosted training here.
Early bird rate: £165; normal rate of £195 per staff member.
APP onsite 1-day training (Best practice care in postpartum psychosis): £3500 per site
APP training days can be commissioned by individual NHS Trusts for their teams for up to 24 staff. This package includes clinical, academic and lived experience facilitators, training resources, sets of PP Insider Guides for each delegate and travel to your site. Following onsite training, new starters from the same team can join the online training course free of charge in the following 12 months.
If you would like to discuss an onsite training day for your team, or join our mailing list to hear about new training dates and specialist courses, please email: training@app-network.org.
Who is it for?
The one-day training course covers postpartum psychosis and severe mental illness (SMI) in the perinatal period. It is suitable for all professionals working with women and families during this time.
This includes:
- psychiatrists,
- midwives,
- health visitors,
- GPs,
- obstetricians,
- mental health nurses,
- psychologists,
- IAPT workers,
- psychotherapists,
- social workers, and
- Acute & Emergency staff.
Content and learning objectives
Learning objectives will address domains in the PMH competency framework, with a specific focus on the risk areas of severe mental illness and postpartum psychosis.
By utilising clinical experience, cutting-edge research, and the real experiences of affected women and families, the course will up-skill the workforce, developing expertise and empathetic understanding.
The workforce training course includes:
- the identification and management of postpartum psychosis,
- the management of bipolar disorder in pregnancy and the postpartum period,
- understanding risk factors,
- early symptoms,
- diagnosis,
- risk assessment, and
- the experiences, information and support needs of women and their families.
The training is led by APPs expert trainer Dr Sally Wilson (National Training and Research Coordinator at Action on Postpartum Psychosis and expert by experience), a consultant perinatal psychiatrist OR senior academic, AND one of APP’s experts by experience.
Costs and booking
Our perinatal mental health workforce one day training workshop (7hrs including 1 hour for lunch) costs £3500 for up to 24 delegates.
Costs include travel to your site and a set of APP's Insider Guides for each delegate.
Venue and facilities to be provided by the booking organisation.
APP are dedicated to raising awareness and improving education related to PP. If you cannot afford the fees or do not have a training budget, please do still get in touch: training@app-network.org.
These fees cover APP costs to run the lived experience talks and training programme, train and support our volunteers to give talks; and help us to keep our peer support network operating.